M. Logarta Street, Subangdako, Mandaue City, 6014, Philippines
(032) 346-0421 to 23 / 346-1176 / 344-4251

Water Truck

Kimwa Construction > Water Truck

A water truck, also known as a water tanker or water bowser, is a specialized vehicle designed for transporting and distributing water. It typically consists of a large tank mounted on a truck chassis, with plumbing and pumping systems for loading, transporting, and dispensing water. Water trucks come in various sizes, ranging from small pickups with modest tanks to large tanker trucks capable of carrying thousands of gallons of water.

They are commonly used in construction, mining, agriculture, firefighting, and municipal applications. In construction, water trucks are often used for dust suppression on job sites, as well as for watering roads, landscaping, and other tasks requiring water distribution. In agriculture, they may be used for irrigation or watering crops. Additionally, water trucks are utilized in firefighting operations to supply water to firefighting apparatus in areas where hydrants are not available.

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